Visualization Techniques at Home for Breast Implant SizeMany of our Scottsdale patients are interested in gauging what size breast implant they may want before they even meet with Dr. Brown. During your consultation with Dr. Brown, you will discuss in detail all of your breast augmentation options and determine which size breast implant will provide the results you want.
Before you come to our office, you can get an idea of the breast implant size you may want with these techniques:
- Photos. Spend time examining photos of women whose breast size you admire. And look for those that you don’t like. This will help you determine what you find ideal.
- The Rice Test. Fill a plastic bag with rice (about a quarter cup at a time) and add it to your bra to see how the extra volume looks with your natural curves. One quarter cup of rice is approximately 60cc. This will help you gauge your ideal size in cc’s – the measurement used for breast implant volume.
- Breast Surgery 3D Animation. Our website offers videos with 3D animation to help you visualize how your breast surgery procedure can enhance your figure. Ultimately Dr. Brown will take your breast measurements and help you decide which implant will offer you the most optimal result.
If you are ready for your breast augmentation consultation with Scottsdale plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Brown, please call 480-568-3804 or contact Dr. Richard Brown today.