The Lore of Liposuction

by | Apr 5, 2013

The Lore of Liposuction

Summer is approaching fast and with it, anxiety for many people. Swimsuit season can be a scary thought.  When traditional diet and exercise fail to remove those stubborn pockets of fat, liposuction can be an excellent option for body contouring.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that improves body contour by removing excess fatty deposits through the use of a cannula and suction pump.  While this surgical procedure is an excellent way to remove some excess weight, it is important that you are at your ideal weight before the procedure for the best results. It is a great adjunct to those areas that just will not go away with diet and exercise.

When done correctly by a board certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, liposuction can dramatically alter the look of your tummy, flank area, thighs and hips. Liposuction can improve the shape of your body, but does not significantly improve the quality of the skin texture. So if you have a large amount of excess skin then liposuction may not be right for you. When you meet with your surgeon they will help you decide if you are a good candidate or not.

So do your research, and make sure your doctor is a board certified plastic surgeon by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Get ready for that swimsuit!