How a Tummy Tuck Can Help You See the Finish Line Sometimes life can feel like a race. It’s you and Time, running neck and neck, trying to stay ahead of each other, the same race that every human being on Earth is running. And sometimes that race can feel harder than...
WHY WE STARTED #RELEASEYOURINNERBEAUTY Everybody is beautiful. That’s something we believe down to the core of our beings here at the offices of Scottsdale board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard J. Brown. Each day we have the pleasure of working with patients who...
You’re Not Losing Anything: What You’ll Gain From a Breast ReductionWhen people think of breast reductions, they often think of loss. “Reduction” makes it sound like something is being taken away. The truth is that breast reduction surgery does the exact...
5 Things You Should Know Before Getting a Breast ReductionYou’ve given it some time, you’ve weighed your options and decided that getting a breast reduction is right for you. Perhaps you’re suffering from constant back and neck pain or feel self-conscious about the...
5 Biggest Myths About Breast ReductionsBigger isn’t always better. Women who have larger breasts may have to deal with a variety of issues and complications that their less-endowed peers don’t have to worry about. Larger breasts can put strain on the back, neck and...
5 Ways a Tummy Tuck Can Boost Your HealthIf you’ve recently had a major weight loss or pregnancy, then you’re likely familiar with the loose, baggy skin, scarring, or stretch marks that a body change like this often leaves. The skin is an amazing organ with some truly...