Exercising After Breast Augmentation

Exercising After Breast AugmentationMany of our breast augmentation patients are fit women who want to resume their healthy lifestyle as soon after surgery as possible. While Dr. Richard J. Brown does recommend movement during your recovery, you will need to ease into...

Stop Sucking In!

Stop Sucking In!Let’s face it – Arizona is a pretty health conscious place to live. With our beautiful mountains and ideal climate, fit bodies abound and are hard to miss. Healthy food is easy to find, and gyms, parks and hiking trails are packed with those trying to...

Benefits of Natrelle Breast Implants

Benefits of Natrelle Breast ImplantsHave you heard about the latest innovation in breast augmentation? Natrelle 410 breast implants were approved by the Food and Drug Administration in February 2013, and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Richard Brown is one of the first plastic...

Which Is Better: Botox or Dermal Fillers?

Which Is Better: Botox or Dermal Fillers?Botox and Dermal fillers are two products used in the face that help treat wrinkles, and experienced cosmetic surgeon Dr. Richard Brown offers these to Phoenix-area patients. Both approaches reduce wrinkles by a different...