How To Choose Your Cosmetic Surgeon

How To Choose Your Cosmetic SurgeonWhen you are considering cosmetic surgery to enhance your appearance, choosing your cosmetic surgeon is one of the most important decisions you will make. To make the right decision for you, consider the following: How much...

Choosing Your Plastic Surgeon

Choosing Your Plastic SurgeonThe most important decision you can make with respect to your health and well being besides leading a healthy lifestyle full of exercise and healthy foods, is what doctor you choose. In this day and age because medical reimbursement from...

What Does Board Certified Mean?

What Does Board Certified Mean?When you are researching plastic surgeons, you will likely come across the term “board certification” used in different contexts. To select your Phoenix plastic surgeon, you will want to fully understand what board...

Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction SurgeryWomen with large breasts may experience neck pain, back pain, discomfort during physical activity, or acute self-consciousness. If you live in the Phoenix area and are considering a breast reduction procedure, cosmetic surgeon Dr. Richard J....