by Richard Brown MD | Jun 3, 2015 | BOTOX, Facial Rejuvenation, Injectable Fillers
Which Injections Help With Skin Laxity on the Face? The older we get the more we begin to see the effects that both age and gravity have on our bodies, this includes loss of fat on our faces. The definition and plumpness we enjoyed in our youth begins to fade and the...
by Richard Brown MD | Jun 1, 2015 | BOTOX, Plastic Surgery
How Often Can I Get Botox? When the small wrinkles and lines you see around your eyes or mouth begin to distract you when you look at yourself in a mirror, you might be ready for Botox. For several years now, Botox has been the go-to treatment when it comes to...
by Richard Brown MD | May 29, 2015 | Health Basics, Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Recovery
Healing Tips After Plastic Surgery Once your plastic surgery is over, the primary focus should be healing as quickly and as effectively as possible. Here are some tips on what you can do to ensure the healing process goes smoothly: Listen To Your Doctor This is...
by Richard Brown MD | May 27, 2015 | Liposuction, Plastic Surgery
Am I a Good Liposuction Candidate? When a person is unhappy with areas of excess fat on their body, they might consider liposuction performed by a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Liposuction, also known as lipoplasty, helps slim and reshape specific areas of the...
by Richard Brown MD | May 24, 2015 | Breast Implants, Cosmetic Surgeon
Over the Muscle or Under the Muscle Breast Implants? One of the major decisions a person must make when it comes to breast implants is whether to have over the muscle or under the muscle breast implants – the muscle being the chest muscle that lies just beneath the...