How Much Botox Can I Get?

How Much Botox Can I Get?BOTOX® treatments can be a wonderful way soften your facial features and restore a more youthful appearance. This is an increasingly popular treatment that leaves patients thrilled with their results. Related: 7 Ways Botox Can Improve Your...

Breast Implant Recovery Time

Breast Implant Recovery TimeMany women find that having a breast augmentation is a wonderful way to enhance their figure and improve their self esteem. It’s one of the more popular surgeries performed by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard J. Brown at his...

Nose Surgery Myths & Truths

Nose Surgery Myths & TruthsHere at the offices of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard J. Brown, we often see patients who are considering having a nose surgery, or rhinoplasty. We have noticed a few common misconceptions about rhinoplasty throughout our...