Get the Most Natural Look From Your Breast Augmentation

by | Nov 6, 2014

Get the Most Natural Look From Your Breast Augmentation

Gone are the days when you only had two choices when it came to your breast implants; silicone or saline. As a Scottsdale plastic surgeon, Dr. Brown offers several types and styles of breast implants. You’ll be able to get the look, feel and size to match your vision.

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The natural breast implant look has been growing in popularity over the last few years. With many brand options available now, you’re sure to find the silhouette you’re looking for. The natural breast implants that we offer here at our Scottsdale and Sun City plastic surgery offices work extremely well with women with thinner builds, giving them a more natural appearance.

Our natural implant brands include:

These naturally shaped implants have been dubbed ‘gummy bear’ implants due to the viscocity of their silicone. The thicker filling keeps the implants from rippling and becoming too flimsy inside the breast.

Related: Silicone vs. Saline Implants, Which is Best for You?

If you want to learn more about our natural looking breast augmentations and the surgical services Dr. Brown offers, call our Sun City or Scottsdale plastic surgery office at ​480-568-3804.