8 Ways to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

by | Nov 3, 2014

8 Ways to Prepare for a Breast Augmentation

Once you’ve committed to having plastic surgery, the best thing you can do is prepare. Set some time aside in the week leading up to your surgery to make sure everything is ready to go. The last thing you want to do is be running around the day before surgery, stressed and overwhelmed.

Use this as a checklist for some of the things you may not have thought of before your breast augmentation surgery. Scottsdale surgeon Richard J. Brown has made this list based on things he’s heard his patients say they wish they had been prepared for.

Related: 3 Important Rules Following Plastic Surgery

  • Buy new bras

The last thing you’re going to want to do after surgery is go shopping. If you’ve already decided on your surgical plan with your plastic surgeon, you should know what size you’ll need. Following your recovery period, you can go out and enjoy the beauty of shopping for new bras, but for the time being, you’ll need to wear wire-free sports bras with a zip-up front. After your surgery you will be placed in a surgical bra provided by our office that has a front enclosure. It always helps to have a back up bra. Good ones can be found at any mass retailer, even Walmart.

  • Wash your sheets and prepare your bedroom

As with any surgery, there will be a recovery period after your breast augmentation. Have your bedroom set up so it’s a comfortable, stress-free and serene environment. Slipping into nice clean sheets will be the perfect way to begin your recovery. Get your favorite movies ready, food that will go down easy after anesthesia and have your bed set up so you can be comfortable when you return home from your procedure.

  • Go grocery shopping

Remember to stock up on soft foods for the first couple of days. As long as you are on pain medication, you will not be allowed to drive so be prepared If you find there are  things you forgot, have someone else available to help you. Driving and pushing a cart may require more energy than you have.

  • Buy a scarf

You may feel uneasy going into public following your surgery. Most of our patients want to avoid looking like they had a breast augmentation recently. In order to cover the ‘cute’ surgical bra you will be sent home in, wear high necked tops and a scarf and nobody will be any wiser!

  • Purchase over-the-counter anti inflammatories

You’ll want to get off of the heavy pain meds as soon as possible. For some patients, this is 2-3 days after surgery. It may be longer or shorter for you, but we don’t recommend taking prescription pain medication if it’s not necessary.

Related: Get the 4-1-1 on Breast Augmentation Recovery

  • Cocoa butter is your new best friend

Many of my patients complain that the stretching of the skin can be uncomfortable and itchy. Cocoa butter will help your skin stay hydrated and it will ease the feeling of tightness and dryness.

  • Grab bendy straws

This may seem silly, but leaning over to drink or lifting a glass to your mouth can be torture the first and second day after surgery. Bendy straws eliminate the stress on your chest and body. Drinking tons of water is one of the best things you can do following surgery so stick your straw in and get to drinking!

  • Arrange for child care (or fur baby care)

It’s important to give your body time to rest after a procedure like breast augmentation. Running around after small children or worrying if your dog or cat has food can make the recovery process stressful and stress is the last thing you need. For at least the first few days after surgery, you need to relax and give your body time to heal.

These are the top things we’ve noticed our patients tend to pass over when preparing for their breast augmentation surgery. Let us know if there’s anything you’ve noticed that should be on this list!

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Brown for a breast augmentation in Scottsdale or Sun City, call our plastic surgery office at ​480-568-3804.